Starting small (literally)
Deleted Posts & Discussions
Feliciano investigation?
So I guess turning on pregnancy insights doesn’t really do much at all? lol
Just Want Data
Average HRV?
First time seeing this
I have never changed my hair, should I?
why don't they recommend ghee, tallow or butter?
What's the most fun you've ever had sampling a house?
Anyone else in their 20s change between which lady they relate to as you mature?
Dusting powders
What's the one perfume house you’ll always be obsessed with?
For all niche and master perfume collectors, what is the one super basic perfume you just LOVE?
Unpopular Opinion- the show isn't that "woke"
No photos?!
Keep it funky, stuck with blonde or give it a rest and go back to brown?
Thoughts on limiting fat intake?
What frag hype did you buy into and were pleasantly surprised???
What houses do you think are overpriced?
Is there such a thing as too much fat?
What Could Have Happened After Photo 508
What if I ate nothing but this:
The height difference I CANNOT 🥹😭
No hangovers!!?