New comic about hospital bills [OC]
Absolute peak, but what do we call him?
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
Nappa would be a Much Stronger character if he had Bomber DX instead of Volcano explosion (which is ENTIRELY too small)
Question, when goku goes ssj4 where does the shirt go if it isn’t ripped off or destroyed?
the most logical reaon
What happened?
Seeing a lot of “vanishing behind needs to be patched” posts.
The downgrade is fucking insane
How would’ve things went for Kratos if Odin had sent all three of his sons to his home at the start of GOW4?
How likely do you think this is to happen?
Most people agree that Gotenks is stronger than Goku in the Buu Saga right..?
Has your cock ever been between tits like mine?
My girlfriend wants kids ASAP due to fertility issues, but I’m not ready. How do I handle this?
Is Kratos top or bottom, chat?
She lost hella weight 😢
What do you think of the current Kratos without his beard?
28F how bad is it
She is the BEST white girl with curves EVER TBH. Her titjob and bjay vids are absolutely insane.
My family said more tanks will look too ‘busy’
A Prequel Series Is Needed BADLY
Is not treating autism child abuse?
Less common destinations?
Is ABA really necessary?