YouTuber Mark Rober Intentionally Misleads Viewers
Mark Rober Defrauding Tesla? MeetKevin's review.
Raven Phone as a Key
Scared for the bill
Plaid efficiency?
Does anyone keep forgetting to turn off the car when driving an ICE now lol.
Can cure diseases, they say...
Tesla FSD Should Have a Daily Pricing Option
Saw this “Rivian” the gym parking lot today
Buyer Beware: Absolutely No Customer Support Options
Tesla removed from Vancouver Auto Show
I caught my best friend masturbating
Yup. Autopilot was definitely not on at the point of impact in Mark Rober’s video
2 teslas - charging
YouTuber Mark Rober Tests Cameras Vs. Lidar And Gets It Wrong
I love the look of the model S
In Mark Rober's New Video Criticizing Tesla's Autopilot, Seconds before impacting the wall he doesn't have on Autopilot or FSD?
Tesla board members, executive sell off over $100 million of stock in recent weeks
Omg r/realtesla is a complete cesspool of Elon hate-o-trons
Ugh, need some help with FOBs.
Tesla needs to lower Super charging cost.
"youtuber" Mark Rober = 💩
Does FSD exist or doesn't it?
Discussion - ASS did not work as expected…
After months of lurking….