Wireless earbuds around 100euros
Active noise cancelling
Considering a Switch from iPhone to Samsung
Which phone to get as a daily driver?
Buds 2 pro day 1 sound signature
Uneven battery drain, reason to be worried? Mainly use touchpad on the right one. Galaxy Buds pro 3.
Just curious what phone color do you have?
what mouse do you guys use?
equipment for first fire cape?
Looking to upgrade from iPhone 11. The A35 is only $200 or the S23 FE for $419? Any advice?
Any recommendations for the less-known ANC Chinese earbuds under 100$?
PC gamers of OSRS, what mouse do you use?
Samsung buds... what's the trick to getting them to stay in your ears?
What to do now?
Best ANC buds for dual Android/Apple?
Recommendations for charger
Heavy construction in Ahjo-Kerava causing scary shakeouts into home
Scrolling through the u/lodestone_toad post and had to do a double take
Bone Shortbow Shreds
Should Tormented Demons have a slayer requirement to kill?
Content to practice tick-perfect prayers/actions on?
Masori(f) at vorkath
Vardorvis tent whip or salad blade with ring choices
Muspah vs Vorkath