We all know what think about Sando, but what about Sammich?
Any of you have cursed ships?
Ever wonder what torp hell was like..?
WG: Make the game as unfun as possible challenge
There is no way this man is a bottom.
Giant Hellcat Decal on a 6 banger
Will progressive total my car?
Would love to know what posts that I upvoted break Reddit's rules
I'm curious...
06.30, saturday morning. I guess I'll start my shift by peeling potatoes today.
Cars are boring, what is your favourite tank?
RIP torpedo dds
Where will you hide it?
this tiny banana
The new knifes at work
Dumb question but in NaNaNa, what's this lyric in reference to? Is it a jab/dig at JFK or somebody else?
Which one boys in the band?
That white SUV clearly didn’t learn its lesson.
Do we have one?
Who is this in Sacramento?
My chemical anti facism
Yeah, a book that's super old that some people litteraly live by is gonna have flat earth stuff. It doesn't mean it's true