How do you cope with psychosis
Free Starbucks
Help, been stuck for years
i finally snapped and dont know how to fix it
What gave you mental illness?
The n1 reason this sub is 💩
I need help
Narcissism, then what?
How do you drain blood from a deer without making a big mess?
What happened to you?
A question for schizophenics, by a non-schizophrenic
DAE also have a dissociative disorder?
are those schizophrenia simulation yt vids accurate?
Any people here do nothing
I need a makeover for this room
Living Room Layout Help!
Where should I have my bed and dresser in the bedroom?
Is this good feng shui? Where the arrow is that's the door to the hallway thank you!
How To Deal With Intrusive Thoughts
Why tf am I always trying to give 250 % to people when dating?
What is the Most "Bullshit" Tank Spawn?
How do you overcome that deep sense of inferiority?
hey- molotov used for event in dead air trick for save room
How are you feeling? [Mid-Week Check-In]
i feel like i need to be alone physically and overall sometimes