DM forgets this is Dungeons & DRAGONS, not Dungeons & DISCUSSIONS.
To listen to some of these people, the revolution will be played in 5e.
How do you feel about buying the same rulesets in different books?
Anyone ever run "Supposed to Lose" Campaigns?
Matt knows the law... wait how old is squirrel girl anyway? [New Avengers 2010 #19]
[Other] Today is Dr. Light's 40th anniversary!
The only tankie member of the party quit the campaign
Gunhed art book I recently acquired. Pretty cool find!
What is the worst comic book or graphic novel you’ve ever read?
Players are mad at my cool twist of my modern d20 is a government was behind the werewolf virus.
I'm looking for a superhero vs. zombie apocalypse setting.
Should different races get different prison sentences?
If elminster’s parents are died, how was he born?
My girlfriend hates my halfling (because she is asian)
My healer refuses to heal me unless I promise to perform cunnilingus on her later. What should I do?
Why does Andrew Tate hate wizards and artificers? Is he stupid?
How do you deal with TPK post?
Player at me table is too smart
My DM said he does not want to level up our party's PCs EVER.
Playing a woman is OP.
Do you use the term "DnD" to refer to all TTRPGs?
Diane, it’s February 24th, and I’m doing a giveaway!
My DM is a RPG horror story because of forgotten safety tools and I play solo!
Rate my female Fighter homebrew