reddit is glitchy
roses are red, floridians make iconic thugs
the only “person” who gets me nowadays
which character do you hate with a passion? I’ll start
end of an era
(18m) am I ugly? (honest feedback please frr)
they finally added stalking to minecraft
they recreated it so well
why did they tone down stewie?
i cant choose between a play station or a switch. what should i get?
Am I cooked?
When using chatgpt do you say please and thank you?
What is your biggest hear me out?
I want to look like a different man.
rate my DTI fit
Nah, I'd Win [Jujutsu Kaisen - artofbeingreal]
Otonoke オトノケ (Classical Anime) | Creepy Nuts『DanDaDan OP』Cover
not sure why but these drowns won’t attack me
Not sure what I want to get and looking for some advice.
WYR have explosive diarrhoea for the rest of your life or have your nostrils clogged whenever you try to sleep for the rest of your life
suggest me some haircuts according to my face shape pls
what should i do?
going to the nether
Long or short? (I already cut it)
Send me ur wallpapers and i’ll rate them. I’ll go first. PS, no i do not know the original artist