Give me your 🎂days
Apparently, my wife was secretly a _______ in disguise. It’s okay, I still love her.
If I had one wish I would wish for a thousand ____
Please don't watch _____!
I am your ______.
Oh no, ___ my only weakness!
The song sounds loving, the lyrics are loving
Treat insects the way you wanna be treated 💞🪰
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
Where there's a hole, there's a ____
The song sounds loving but the lyrics are sad
Who will pray for _______ when your gone, or untill onather Richie comes along
Why are you so fucking ____?
okay ouija, what's the best kinda pasta?
You dropped your ______.
Top 10 reasons on why you should _____!
Ass or tits?
The song sounds sad, the lyrics are furious.
In a world where artificial intelligence governs, the most celebrated human trait is _______.
I reeeeeeeeeeeally like to ________ spirits
Ok, fine you can pet the ______, but if you lose your hand I do not take responsibility.
I am the reason we're not allowed to ______.
R/____ is a simulation
I’m not a big fat ______ I’m THE big fat ____