Song Recs
How do rappers not run out of breath when rapping alot
What's an MF DOOM song I definitely haven't heard before?
small saucepan for browning butter?
Where to get a Monstera Albo?
Food Clothes Medicine question
Where to start ?
Why would someone do this
Latest bracket image
Monstera Cobra
What to use instead of lemon or other citrus to brighten a dish.
What’s something you love when a feature does it on a song?
I know I should've cracked the eggs individually, but I didn't, and here we are
Doom piece I recently finished
That's what you get when Wu-Tang raised you..
Meat is getting so expensive, chicken thighs were the best I could afford. What's your favorite way to cook them?
Everyone on 'r/tattooadvice' saying this is a great tatoo??
What do you think is the greatest production style?
How do I season just right?
First Listen
refund approved
How pet pigeons take pills