What are the best "something is off" films?
A cool guide of sketches used by the police in the USSR to identify suspects based on race
The rumor mill that somehow circulated in every 90's middle school despite no internet StarterPack
What is the best documentary you have seen?
Top 3 insults on the show?
What is a robot master name you're surprised has never been used?
Anthropomorphic Asian snack mascot StarterPack
Spaghetti Loving Cat Women
Trump orders swathes of US forests to be cut down for timber
2020s Corporate Culture Starter Pack
More Jurassic World Rebirth Toy Pictures!
Things Reddit repeats ad nauseum and/or vigorously defends StarterPack
Modern Job Search Burnout StarterPack
When Roman Emperor Nero’s wife died, he found a boy who resembled her, had his testicles removed, and presented him in public as his wife.
The Seeing a Filipino House Party Starterpack 3 Hours Before Going to A Filipino House Party And Coming Back w/ Accuracy Results Starter Pack
The Filipino house party you were invited to that's like 30 miles away that you end up going to that turns out to be super fun Starterpack
DAE feel like American patriotism is down from 2001?
Hot Ones Snack mix
Why I love the I-Rex
What went wrong with this film?
Jobless or not, take 10 minutes right now and send a bunch of LinkedIn connection requests out
Things that drunk you adorably tries to do before passing out for sober you the next day StarterPack
Guy who joined your group conversation at party but seems unstable and might be armed so everyone is tense and trying to kind of accommodate him so he doesn't flip the fuck out StarterPack
The Jurassic Park opening scene
I just love this poster of Gerri and Roman