I'm sick of this subreddit.
is controller more ideal than M&K?
Cheating or Legit?
Who disrespected Ichigo more? Yhwach or Aizen?
Thoughts My Fellow Eggheads?
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
What health will the knife actually kill someone?
So Seattle is purging their entire team and we’re 10-7 last year…
Why does feminism, seemingly, want to control women's bodies in one area but not the other?
What are your problems with how Christians discuss evolution?
Hot take, I don’t really like the BO2 maps very much
38F and 34M, married wanting kids but virtually no sex life exists. Am I allowed to be mad?
TRIGGER WARNING (?) I (20f) was on a call with my boyfriend (20m) and he said something that is making me reconsider things.
Drop your bleach hot takes , I'll answer ( anime only )
Name your favourite Kanye song, let the people of reddit rate it out of 10
One shot kill snipers with 3 plates?
Disgusting and inappropriate username, how is this allowed?
Which COD Zombies map do you think has the best theme?
Any reason at all to why Kid Kenpachi was above advanced Captain level?
You swap bodies with your favorite bleach character. How does the plot change?
Finally a successful run!
Was gonna do this sooner but this sub was doing the Brees best roster voting.
PU-21 Camo 2 Kills without taking damage 5 times
What is this dude on? I know you move fast while stimming but this is ridiculous..