How’s the nursing scene in Las Vegas, NV?
For some WGU courses, there is an asterisk with may not need to take if associates or higher. What does this mean for my previous (unrelated) degree?
Back in the days, myVEGAS paid for my whole trip.
What Happened?
I lump summed 50K in June of last year into VTI and now I regret it with this administration.
Selling VTI to buy VT
For those who make $150k+, what do you do for a living?
How right is the NYT prediction? They are predicting a Trump win with 284 electoral college.
Vegas airport to the strip
Stay in Southern California or move to Arizona or New Mexico?
What subscriptions are still worth it, in a world where the quality of everything is decreasing?
Why are some 1-night comps more expensive than 2-night comps?
Classpass and their late cancellation fees - HELP
AITA for not letting my daughter use my son's PS5?
Has anybody else noticed produce from grocery stores goes moldy quicker than it used to?
AITA for not wanting to give my nephew a puppy after he attempted to steal one from me?
WIBTA if I returned something my sister bought because she refused to pay me
AITA for not being happy to receive a handmade gift
AITA for telling people I can't have kids?
AITA for dumping his beer?
AITA for telling my parents to go to fucking hell?
AITA for heavily limiting my step daughters shower usage?
AITAH for asking a 10 year old kid to move from a parking spot she was standing in to “save it” for her mom?
AITA for not allowing my wife to gift her coworker/superior?
AITA for uninviting my best friend from my wedding because she kept telling people she dated my fiancé first?