What is the worst book you’ve ever read?
Should I repair or get a bettersax?
this quote "We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended. " is it at its lowest point nowadays or most relevant?
Why are Andrew and Tristan Tate still relevant?
What kind of death scares you?
Movies watchers of askreddit, what franchise should have stopped at 1?
What's the most iconic line in a show/movie that you can't get out of your head?
What is the most egregious plot armor you have seen?
How has NOTHING leaked yet?
What’s the worst thing to ever happen at your school?
What are entertainment’s greatest rivalries/ matchups?
What game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
Would you still be angry at a horrible person after they died?
What video game do you remember enjoying that hardly anyone ever seems to mention these days?
Past inmates, past prisoners, guards, and or cops of Reddit, who was/is the worst person in your prison?
What is the weirdest/ darkest thing somebody casually told you?
What singer or band did you see in concert before they became famous?
You have 60 seconds in a 12ft x 12ft room with Elon Musk with no repercussions once you leave the room. No one can see or hear you, you can't touch him, what do you do?
How would a JD Vance presidency look like if DT kicks the bucket?
You got a heavy virus or the flu, what’s the first thing you reach for to alleviate the symptoms?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
What’s your favorite smell from childhood?
What is your favorite song with no lyrics?
whats your "I put that shit on everything" sauce?
Why is Donkey Kong 64 so hated?