We did it kids!!
Zelenskyy: Partners agree that Ukraine and Europe can be strengthened in 3 years
RANT about ARTPOP, Joanne and Chromatica
Hans, why are Pierre, Pedro unsafe!? The only one I understand is Knife o'clock Barry.
Travel advisory in different countries is sure interesting. Talking of perception.
Spain be like:
Rate my vinyl wall🥰
As much as it hurts to admit only the French and the Beneluxians are entitled to call themselves based.
Jan, care to explain this shit?!
Dutch Parliament opposed to Von der Leyen's €800 billion European defense plan
say ‘hi’ i’ll send you nudes ;)
Barry's coalition of the willing - And to the friends we made on our day 🥲
French showing the USA how it's done. - Sorry if posted earlier.
France VS USA on Tesla.
what do you other little monsters think of my songs ranking
72 uur moeten kunnen overleven = angstzaaien
First Day Streaming: What's your album ranking?
So excited!!!!!
PVV-stemmers, hoe vinden jullie dat ze het tot nu toe doen?
Don‘t tell us we didn’t warn you
You all asked for it! This 3rd time I don't want to hear any complaining or unease
oepsie woepsie
Ook ouders bestraffen voor strafbaar feit minderjarig kind?
Hoe hervormen we de krijgsmacht?
Will the EU eventually become a true country?
Von der Leyen’s stage fright
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