How to start in Wound Care?
What are your favourite small ways your managers/ANMs/charges makes your unit more enjoyable?
Dismissed from nursing program
Entering the Nursing Field - Need Recommendations/Guidance!
IV mobile nurses
Got flu A from a patient and feel like shit.
3rd Great Aunt marked as "simple" in 1851 Canada Census, then goes missing from records
Is being a nurse worth it now a days?
Which job would you take?
AITA for telling my client my birthday and she shamed my coworkers for forgetting my birthday?
Nurse manager asking how to keep me on without monetary incentive??
What do do guys do on days off
Help me have empathy for remote workers "being forced back into the office."
It’s ridiculous that housekeeping cannot touch bodily fluids
How difficult is it to get an RN job with an associate?
What Advice Would You Give to Someone Considering Becoming a CNA?
Fortune 500 company gave me a 1.1% raise
Floating every week
Getting married - I have a few questions about combining finances.
what did a patient do or say to you that made you think "man, FUCK THIS JOB." ?
Left my PhD program but now cannot even get interviews for entry level anything
Capital One is doing soft credit checks on me every 3 months... I don't like it.
The Metro really Isn’t that Bad
I am the last American on my tech team
US to Toronto questions, parking and cellular phone