[TOMT] [SERIES] Series set in medieval times
Why do some teachers insist on playing without shoulder rest?
[TOMT] 2010's computer racing game
Lead singers of bands that are also bassists
Are my piercings cute or overkill? Is there such thing as "too much" ?
What would make you feel like you’ve truly ‘made it’ as a musician?
help me find blue plaid jacket
Help me find this blue plaid jacket
What colour(s) would you associate your favourite Tate songs with?
tips for tone variation
what do you think of cort basses???
I binged the whole series
had my first bass lesson!!
Violin technique
Teacher ain’t turning up
Is my teacher being unreasonable?
signed cd came unsigned
Violin left hand placement
Any random game recommendations
Looking for ethereal music, preferably with feminine vocals
Recommend me musicals!
New instrument
How do I join a band?
looking for emotional bops.