My top 10 songs - Do you agree?
Bands similar to Radiohead
Pq a maioria do pessoal se incomoda se você ouvir bandas famosas ?
What was the best camp in RDR2?
Rate the loadout
Are the KKK events reoccurring?
MOOSE! What is your best locations and methods for hunting these elusive behemoths?
Worst song on Abbey Road?
I’ve never seen this photo before so I thought I’d share it here
RDR2 tem uma posssibilidade de realismo subestimada
Best/most consistent character arc?
O único jeito certo de escutar música é parando tudo o que está fazendo e só prestando atenção nela
Details so insane Hosea's PEN NIB has legible writing
Anything else I should do before leaving horseshoe
System of a Down
I know I’m in the minority when I say this but I much prefer how Red Dead 1 looks over Red Dead 2
Nenhum artista superou Kurt Cobain até agora