Experiences with Lupron in your early 30’s?
Warning for ozempic users!
2dpo and terrified of all the posts I'm reading on here
2dpo, should I be sleeping this much?
What Made You Decide On Surgery?
Post-surgery experience (10 days post-op - robotic lap myo)
Question - Hysterectomy needed due to "huge" fibroid
Don't be scared
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Surgery Day
To remove an ovary, or to not remove (+more questions)
Question for those of you that deal/dealt with the giant fibroids
Thinking about getting a hysterectomy. Any advice?
Fibroids: Weight Gain, High BP & Post-Op Tummy
35 w/2 huge fibroids seriously considering hysterectomy, got questions about life w/o uterus
Dr wants me to have hysterectomy for large fibroids but I have no symptoms - no idea if I should or not?
What size was your fibroid(/s) before hysterectomy?
Laparoscopic hysterectomy not an option - has to be open fibroids
Do I actually need a hysterectomy?
Fibroid-havers, What’s Your Story?
Fibroids with no symptoms and hysto - thoughts?
Two Year PO: Ask me anything
Terrified of Surgery
Lupron for Fibroids