If i wash out of flight school and/or get broken and/or as a fully qual'd pilot have a medical issue that requires reclass, am I still on the hook for a full 8 years?
Secdef responds to today’s article
Difficulty getting selected for Air
MEPS Attire
Texas Instate tuition
Ultratech extremely hard to open
Series EE bonds fully mature in 2033. Should I wait till then?
Do Danner Reckonings run small and/or wide?
excuse me, how much times?
Can I get an engineering degree fast online if I don't care about ABET?
LPT: if you’re headed along the east coast - sign up for an EZ pass transponder for tolls!
Would Eisenhower’s chances of becoming president be destroyed if D-Day failed?
Public Affairs Officer
Will we ever see a presidential landslide again?
🤣” no cpl” y’all ever see these British bootcamp vids ?
Is CDL worth points for promo? 1st sgt said i can add CDL to my ompf. But how?
Does being an 88M give you a CDL ?
Security Clearance Lawyer
MECEP question
MCC has so much potential but 343 aren't doing anything about it
East Texas A&M has common app for first year but not transfer? What gives?
just a reminder since some want to get complacent. Don't smoke or dip and you can be cool like Gunny 😎
PSA: Marking uniforms
Tobacco Cessation
Marine Enlisted Aviation