Lofi music completely destroyed by AI
Japan's weird little trains
Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Greg Casar coming to Tucson on March 22
I don’t understand straight women’s thought process
Rsp nation
South America kinda disconnected from the world
We need something other than the library
Women give the best and most specific compliments
I love airports and planes
If I'm being real I am never paying rent
Random snaps of Hong Kong
Californians gentrifying the Southern states
Perhaps the most damning aspect of modern western decadence is the fact that altruism is not an argument anymore
Random 20 art pieces from last 20 decades of Russian art
What’s the vibe of Vienna?
Which country has a relatively low GDP but its cities feel highly developed and well-maintained, in contrast to the U.S., which has a high GDP but cities that often feel third world?
Chinese peasant about to execute his landlord during the Chinese Land Reform
Why is no one talking about China's space station
I get jealous when I read some famous person's wiki history and learn they got their start in an industry by cold applying and getting hired easily
My boss had everything in our office replaced with “smart” devices and now nothing works.
Men “not caring about politics” is less about crypto-conservatism and avoiding scaring the hoes and more about correctly clocking that politics is catty and female-coded