I might have to get an abortion
Looking for a girls name that’s generally feminine but not trendy and ideally doesn’t end in a.
t21 & t18 high probability & tfmr
Alternatives to NIPT?
Result came back high probability for XXX. Not sure what this means
FISH results
Husband choosing to not attend anatomy scan
High NT turned high NF
Am I getting the right advice?
Whole exome sequencing
My false +T18 from NIPT and CVS. It was Confined Placental Mosaicism
CVS Mosaicism vs. Full triple x syndrome question
Final update: Microarray also clear, likely case of T21 CPM. (Positive T21 NIPT)
Is this something to worry about?
Update: FISH results are clear! (Positive T21 NIPT)
Help - Noonan or full WES?
Help! To do amnio or not in 22 weeks
First trimester increased NT, low risk NIPT, EIF
Feeling lonely and isolated while in limbo
Advice - should these microarray comments concern me?
Please welcome Tight_Cash995 as a new mod to join me after my 5 years here! I will still remain the mod as well to help you guys but there’s a ton of info. As a reminder please use tags and a search button!
Dilated kidneys and clubbed feet. NICT came back low at 14 weeks
Positive for trisomy 21 at 38
High risk Trisomy 18, My Story So Far
16 week scan today