part 2: earl, thisblackgentelmanugly, and wakeuphomosexual.
making EARL songs from the EARL mixtape in the style of the EARL mixtape (with the excption of thisblackgentelmanugly, earl and wakeuphomosexual.) also credits to evanthesayianalt for making the tyler one. (i was inspired)
i love earl sweatshirts albums! earl sweatshirts albums:
Favorite track on Earl?
i made a fanmade alternate cover for the mixtape EARL
a fixed version of fat earl, now with a fat body.
ban the guy that says “bussy” to every single post
if i made the NILBOG and DINOSAUR album covers
i tried making fat earl, credits to whoever made this. [i use kleki btw.]
What's that one song that u skipped for no reason but You decided to hear it and now You love it?
Tell me your favorite Tyler the creator song and I’ll give you a curse
Earl made it to the fat rappers sub!!!
Tell me your favorite Kendrick song
Act as if it’s your first time listening to Tyler
Guess what this tier list mean (easy)
dih to your crack name 3 tyler songs other than Like Him
what was the incident with comodo snake in outcast?
sam fanart
"Gun to your head, name 3 Tyler, The Creator songs apart from Like Him, See You Again and Sticky"
chur bum fanart
the best parody of earlwolf ever [inspired by the outcast one]
Would thay have sex
I made a Tunner Jack o Lantern
Random ahh things I did with clay
Imagine if these two interacted