What !?
Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit 3FA?
2-CB HCL Pulver!
am i stupid?
How to deal with brother who always has to be right and cannot hold a conversation
Which stim is safer? 3mmc or speed?
What is the best way to crush drugs? (Preferably with common household items)
Riolu, Five Minutes After Being Called Out (2021, colorized)
I’m looking for a substance that will make me dance at weddings, feel a sense of happiness, and a feeling of social lubrication. Just haven’t found the right one. What are your recommendations?
Vergleich zwischen Anus und Vene
Broken vessel broke me
This took me so god damn long
mdma im club alleine
just took 370mg of fphenibut for my first time
Club kid wunk
Why does everyone hate Pregabalin
4-aco-met with ketamine dosage
When AI simply gets it wrong. 🤣
Kann man Heroin boofen?
Does the combination of stimulants with downers increase cardiovascular stress?
What are the closest research chemicals to 3mmc?
r/Austria Mods sind Volltrottln
How do you make it special?