What month is your baby due?
Do you forgive Beatrice’s actions?
Give me your most controversal shoujo opnions that would probably get you cooked on other sites
'Get the epidural'
We still doing charcuterie boards?
Do you believe we take on the personalities of our babies while they are in the womb ?
Do shôjo make this kind of jokes?
Did you have to learn frugality the hard way?
We listen & We don't judge 🙏🏻
Need Help Finishing This BoJack Horseman Meme
Teen Mom's Amber Baltierra reveals two black eyes in gruesome mugshot after arrest for assault with a deadly weapon
Today I had the most inappropriate, violating, dismissive, condescending “care” ever by an MFM who has never met me before.
How to handle mean words
you decided to guilt tripping a child because she wasn’t interested in talking to her deadbeat egg donor
Kendrick lines that made you do a double take when you first heard them?
When is your due date?
What are your thoughts on Mr. Neal McBeal?
Terrified of “a mom” being all I am.
Another day of weighing every fucking gram of EVERY thing I put into my body, and working out for an hour, another day gaining 2 pounds for no reason.
Mutual abuse isn’t a thing
Was the case rushed to get closure...and thats why she was found not guilty?
Powdered Detergent That's safe for babies?
“My pregnancy was soooooo easy” GOOD. FOR. YOU.
Question for the IBS-C only people
Yall agree with this list?