Curious About LDS/Mormon Beliefs About Jesus
Is being gay a sin?
Anglo-Catholics, do you go to Roman Catholic Mass?
I don't know how to stop having sex with my gf
person pulls gun on preacher
People arguing God isn’t real
An actress's response being misinterpreted during a Comic Con panel
I'm feeling a strong pull to convert from the Lutheran church.
I will always call upon Your name Jesus 🙏
Women are highly regarded before God, and more powerful than many men know.
His return
What is an evangelical Christian?
I am officially Orthodox, I have been baptized!
Is this an orthodox icon? And who does it show
What Is Your Opinion Regarding The Crusades?
Ottawa mayor calls Ontario election results ‘good news’ for the city
An argument for declining your ballot
Will you vote this week ?
How do you view Catholicism?
European wife made me PB&J
I’m confused about my place in Christianity
Why wait until marriage?
Feels like I am just waiting to die while I watch all the other ppl live happy lives who have friends & families & who
Is sex without procreation a sin?