What can I put in the round balcony at the top of our stairs when it’s not Christmas?
AIO, about to go nuclear over a text my kid's coach sent her.
Mindflayer ate wizard's brain, Ranger put it back in.
Don’t order home delivery from Petco
Are they allowed to do this?
The new BRAG board 🥹
We need to normalize employees of Petco keeping their opinions about pet food to themselves unless specifically asked.
GAME THREAD: Los Angeles Clippers (1-2) @ Dallas Mavericks (2-1) - (April 28, 2024)
New ceo
Yall. Calm me down I don’t know what to do.
Which weapon do you almost always have in your loadouts?
Seriously, how is it that Winston never made it to HotS? Literally the most iconic OW character besides Tracer since day 1... it's just weird.
Its all going down
Players and dungeon masters what was the longest campaign you partook in, what was the plot, and did the plot get derailed causing the long campaign?
WTF is this, man. I’m an aquatics specialist.
How to stop my players from dying to Venomfang?
beef sausage hamburger on the mountain 🏔❄️
Cutting hours to be under 99%
Game Thread: Green Bay Packers (9-8) at Dallas Cowboys (12-5)
Places for to eat alone on Thanksgiving
Waiting 900s to get a QM game as a healer :(
Game Thread: Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants
Game Thread: Jacksonville Jaguars at Dallas Cowboys