Panic attack during contemplative practice..
I wanted a wallpaper for my phone so I made my own from a photo I took a few weeks ago!
Naval current view on Pandemic
How are you using Stoicism during this 'pandemic'?
Too old to change?
How do you communicate with someone who does not think or act logically or rationally?
Epictetus 55 A.D - 135A.D from Hierapolis
How are we applying Stoicism to the Covid19 situation?
Don't give up on Stoicism
We spend so much time in our heads or absurdity, then life, like a brief flash, has passed you by.
Christian Stoic?
I’m too weak to apply stoicism.
How does one strive to do better every day yet not be bogged down by the feeling of being unsatisfied?
Contemplating the worst... Extreme anxiety.