I ranked 51 cozy games
Is there a Musou-style roguelike/roguelite?
Any "Big numbers go up" game like Balatro? Not even necessearly a deck builder?
Why is it called 'Melter' and not 'Defroster'??? 🤔
If you could make one change to Halt and Catch Fire - large or small - what would it be?
What defect card have you most changed your opinion on?
Theme song for Borys
Is there any "jokes" that writers keep putting in movies that have never got a laugh from you?
No man could fill Wayne's shoes on the narration of darkest dungeon, but...
What is your “don’t think just click” insta-pick Card or Relic?
Can someone please explain to me how I set up combinators to have my nuclear reactors only fed fuel cells when they drop below a certain temperature?
What roguelites have metaprogression and Perma death?
Any 1 handed games for pc?
I have a growing utter disdain for my teenage daughter…
Finally 100%!
Is there a movie with a scene or character that makes you go, "Boy, I wish the movie had been about this instead?"
No hit Stories
Looking for an immersive space game
Worst Scene In A Five Star Movie?
Anyone else think the setup to this game is odd?
Give me a dredge challenge
PS4 recommendations for low skill gamer
Seems like a good night to rewatch this Jacob Gellar classic
Which cards quality depends most on whether it’s upgraded?
How did Michael become Don