Where’s Marvin moving now?
anyone else get new vending machines ?
Swasti-Car Spotted Today at Whole Foods
Verizon isn’t happy about their customers stretching out their upgrade cycles. LOL. Last I checked, they eliminated 24-month cycles and forced 36-months. What outcome did they expect?
How long have you been a fan of The Rippingtons?
Does Verizon hate it when you purchase phones in full?
The Rippingtons/ Russ Freeman Fanbase.
120gb audio left side only?
Store Manager
Dash noise in 2017 Ford Explorer XLT
PT postings at Lowe’s
What is the best Rippingtons album?
One Coat Guarantee Got Me Again
DIY weekend delivery?!
Big Lots Marion NC
Home Depot vs Lowe's?
Being Forced Off The 10GB Shared Plan
This is about to blow wide open
Which live album is better: Live in L.A. or Live Across America
18 samples
Improved Drying on T1.
Spectrum v/s Verizon Phone Service.
Eggs in Trump’s America (taken at a local store Jan 25).