Goku vs Vegeta's first first (especially the second half with Oozaru Vegeta and the reverse case - Vegeta vs. Oozaru Gohan) is one of the finest boss fights ever crafted in fiction
Compatriotas demostrando que no todos son del TDA
Banned from the laundromat
How do we tell him🙄?
In your opinion, which authors have the most unique, charmy and distinctive artstyles?
"Tsuyu is pretty ugly"
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
Guys, its getting annoying
¿Por qué Venezuela es TAN CARA?
Imperfect cell definitely has the best design
'Claymore' Manga To Get TV Series Adaptation By Masi Oka & Propagate
What's up with this subreddits weird obsession with JJK?
Why do a lot of "adult" cartoons over the past few years are plagued with that cringe/edgy teenage humor?
This could have been sakamoto damn
Is it me or has the bishonen aesthetic become more prominent over the last decade?
Why do the Dragon Ball content post GT feels way more lighthearted and "childish" than usual?
Maria Corina Machado a todos los que critican las sanciones
Alguien trabaja o ha trabajado con "Good Bunny" como chatter?
Frieza works best as a reoccurring character in my opinion
Alguien aquí trabaja o ha trabajado como chatter en Good Bunny?
The first three annoy me the most
Comienzan las primeras deportaciones de venezolanos bajo el acuerdo Trump-Maduro
Son ideas mias, o hay cada vez mas gente obesa?
Every epic panel is adapted so cheaply. It's really hard to defend this anime...
Empezó el goteo de migrantes? que opinan?
Chile: Sujetos Golpean a conseje por advertir por música fuerte y dijeron que eran de el "Tren de Aragua"