didn't know whales could push a whole damn submarine
NPCs who know how to fight & carry weapons
Eberhard is the GTA 6 Merryweather
I’m starting to get excited again
What keeps you playing and engaged in GTA online after so long?
which type of mission would you like to see make a return?
phones gonna have massive overhaul
houses having NPCs inside them
Go on then, I'll start it off.. The buildings look like the VI logo.
Power poles details
Name 5 NEW features GTA 6 must have
What will be the first thing you do when you play GTA VI?
Debating on what I should do
All the GTA titles were released during my lifetime, but 6th entry will be my first "proper" GTA release.
But seriously, why does it take this long just to drop like two screenshots?
Is it a good idea for GTA 6 online to drop day 1?
The "GTA 6 live action trailer" is for crypto. Not GTA 6
realistically speaking, we don't need to carry too many guns
Lets take a moment and appreciate this picture
just getting a confirmation that the game is still coming in 2025 is better than getting a trailer that ends with "coming in 2026"
flouting NPCs on longchairs
gta 6 still releasing on 2025
What map design would you prefer for GTA VI?
My live reaction to trailer 1
one of the things to look up to in gta 6