[WTS][PC][PRICE CHECK][RIVEN] My guess is like 5k?
I..want.. hugs too
How to import an mp4 video into krita?
Why does Tyl Regor say "ITS HAMMER TIME" when he uses an axe? Is he stupid?
Peter, you're there too. Care to explain?
peetah what is happening??
Best place to tell my characters stories????
The Warframe experience
Best idle animations?
I fucking LOVE Zenurik
I crafted my first prime!
Is it just me or is Krita a little slow for animation?
Am I the only one that thinks krita is hard
I knew all the ayatans i have been collecting would come in handy one day
S5 Final Thoughts?
will there be void fissure in 1999 world??????
Is it essential to use textured brushes to draw backgrounds???
what do you think if its possible to join a public endless mission regardless how long the mission has been going???
How important is views/view count and followers as a digital artist????
Do you think that making a comic/manga is exhausting?? or should i opt for making a light novel instead with some illustrations here and there?
what is this supposed to mean ???
to digital artists: do you still draw on paper ?
yo guys what you use to paint flat color to your lineart ????????
Is it dead? (7800x3D)