How to preserve this beautiful wood?
Are my ducklings ok?
Surfer boys, Southern California, 1966
New Puppy first day home
All Ages Punk Rock Fest in Ravenswood, WV March 22nd
Is my akita pure bred?
Non-Horse person here. Is this neglect? Million dollar property for a proper understanding of my concern.
Describe one word about Noah Hunter
Curious. How many of your guys are off leash trained?
The way we were.
How the Chicago River is dyed in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day
The amount of bread i have to throw away at the end of the day at my job
Is it me or are GSD's super overdramatic?
Who's smoking with me tonight?
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
This headline is my new favorite thing 😭🤣💀
Sausage sticking to styrofoam
Pretty much.
What are you feeding your akitas?
Akita with Cushings
Chancellor of California University with Jason and Mike Seaver.
What to feed keets?
Will O' Wisps shelter photo vs her at almost 6 years old. What a glow up😭
Sharing from National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center.
“Locked Room Mystery”