Do you intentionally detach or avoid the person you like to test their patience?
Can you all share some fun meme that I can occasionally send my aqua Man crush?🙈
Is it common for aquarious men to ask or talk about sex on first date?
Any February 18th Born Aquarius here? How do you approach love and relationships?
Libra moons - are they loyal?
Did anyone here asked out aquarius man on date?
How would you like a woman who has a crush on you to approach you?
Aquarius sun, libra moon, capricorn venus
Name something Aquarians are good at (Non-Aquas join in lol)
Why are we so bad at responding? I wanna fix this
Help! Struggling with an Aloof Aquarius Man – Need Advice from Those Who’ve Successfully Dated One
does anyone else get bored with romantic interests quickly?
Is it possible to go to grad school with a 2.5 GPA?
What can be your reason to not meet the girl you like?
Men in relationship with women
Help me decide which product line shall I use for damanged hair caused by chemical straightening
Help you with presentation
Aries and Virgos
Do anyone need help creating powerpoint presentation deck?
Can Aries ♈ Man play games?
What made you commit /Marry your woman? 👩❤️👨
What makes a man settle down with a woman? 👩❤️👨
Aries ♈ Virgo ♍ Compatibility