Any 14 days Japan itinerary yall have ?
How does your religion, or lack of, impact your relationship with Kendrick Lamar's music.
Travel route recommendations.
How is your country doing today? March 22, 2025
Men, would you go out of your way to do things for a woman if you weren’t interested?
The movie audiences are hypocrites. They claim they want original, fresh movies instead of IP trash, but then the fresh movies fail at the box office.
Lee Kuan Yew passed away 10 years ago. What were you doing when you heard the news?
What’s the most ADHD thing you do ?
Poly graduate
Iron man is a better charater than werewolves and vampires
All ENTP = ADHD needs to be banned.
I'm 23 and I already failed at life
Fairly new fan, I listened to MM&TBS why is it hated??
How to know if you’re dieting too hard?
Top ten worst or overrated Kendrick songs in your opinion?
Century eggs, a Chinese dish, involve preserving eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, and rice hulls.
Any finances aids out there I should know about/apply for ?
99% of “Productivity Hacks” Are Just Common Sense
What is the lowest paying job for a local
What drove you to lose weight?
As an entp do people tend to find you more dumb when you’re a deep thinker ?
I havent asked this of my skin speciliest doctor. But is Levocetirizine dihydrochloride bad ?
Morbidly Obese person travelling to Singapore
Did he write this last week??
What did you want to be when you grew up? And what are you now?