I am looking for a version of "Joy to The World".
Whats your day job?!
What Barbie opinions would you like to get off your chest?
How do I start with cooking?
DIY question: how do you know if an essence work for you?
Essence for skull motifs like in this shirt?
Where I can find Barbie doll bodies? High quality alternative is welcome, too.
Your favourite combination of two essences?
Seasons of winx
To everyone who is looking for their essences or has already found them: what are your goals and wishes? What do you think will change when you find your true essences?
Do you know where I can find more photos like these?
Hello! Help with Essence Percentages and Color Harmony? Have a feeling of Natural/Ingenue but I'm not sure anymore😭
Weird hair textures?
Finally! My Scene Collector First Photos
What makeup suiting equals which essence?
Kibbe + Kitchener: how to combine?
people on r/curlyhair literally told me it was straight. what hair type do i have?
Who’s your fav face mold ?
Hair strand makes a C shape
Other than classic, what essence does Jisoo have?
What’s your favorite Barbie era to collect?
thoughts on Brigitte Lin?
Kitchener Essence Help (Repost)
Elle Fanning Essence Percentages?
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