Got my copy of Justice league new 52 book 2 in today.
What's the still not solicited volume that you want the most?
Can I start after TPs?
Batman Post-Morrison
New titles announced?
So do we think that Tamaki Detective Comics omnibus will exclude the Shadow of the Bats: House of Gotham by Rosenberg story?
DC Finest Team Up
The next DC wave has arrived!!
Advices about chronological order ?
Batman by Tynion
tried mapping out Williamson Batman/Robin work, I think it slot well after Batman by Tynion and other Damian collections like supersons omnibus and son of Batman deluxe
Batman & Robin by Joshua Williamson Omnibus Idea
Todays Haul
Need some recommendations for omnibus' that covers the origins of these characters below;
How likely is it that Justice league international will get a 4th omnibus?
Thoughts on the upcoming Batman by Tynion omnibus?
What was your favourite Beast World transformation? [Discussion]
[Discussion] If the New 52 could be canon with Post-Crisis is it early days or present day?
Batman Omni - Tynion Vol 1
2025 Most Wanted NEW DC Omnibus Poll.
My first (and modest) Sunday Shelfie
[Discussion] What were your thoughts on the New 52?
What are we expecting Batman by Tynion IV omnibus Vol 2 to look like?
Hey guys what if we pretended marvel got a game like DC rivals? like we start making silly posts like dc rivals fans do but with their game but we swap the characters around to be silly marvel goobers like jeff~?
Batman by James Tynion IV