Wilds Lance: Mid thrusts x High thrusts. I did the math.
First 500 quests done o7
what capcom was actually saying
What are the best non-Artian Lances?
Paralysis artian dual blades are worse than the regular T8 dual blades
“More challenging than Tempered Monsters”
The Elusive Duo, and finally got it for myself. And I couldn't stop laughing in the end...
Using the chatacabra quest as a test for skill/loadouts
Não importa a posição política da pessoa, eu duvido que alguém ache um personagem assim agradável de jogar. Quem diz que ela é legal está mentindo lá no fundo.
Wilds Lance: Grand Retribution Thrust x Charged Counter
Thoughts on people joining a quest, carting twice, then just dipping?
Corrupted mantle is boring and makes most weapons boring to use.
How it feels playing other weapons after maining Lance all game
Optimal GS element for multiplayer?
Does FextraLife always confidently spread misinformation via their youtube guides?
Fishing in this game is god damn frustrating. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG FFS.
Is there a way to see the personal best time in hunting a monster?
Are this rolls good for sleep GS
The first week of Wilds is gone. How many hours did yall put in?
A Japanese player already reached HR999 in Wilds
Guys, Lance has never been so good
Lance Bros: Build ideas?
There are Alma fans and Gemma enjoyers. But there is a third option.
I love how alma has to give you permission to kill.
Ps5 turning off with no warning?