If I was put into wet cement and it hardened can I still pee?
Rank your favorite album.
Imaginary Argentina Political Party Flag
If you lived in Maine, which flag would you have voted for?
Wild herbs and straw infused panna cotta, extra virgin olive oil powder, seaweed and tonka bean cream
which lana songs are covers?
Did eastpak close down in Kuwait ?
Which Lana song could never loose its appeal to you no matter how much you listen to it
Has anyone ever said this?
Any thoughts?
General Discussion 07/12
What’s your least favorite Mitski song?
Least favorite mitski album?
How to find extracurriculars/activites in kuwait?
Is there a place in kuwait that sells bat suit or any other dc suits
Who do you guys think Lana should collab with next 🎀
Flags of the four nations of Avatar. What do you think? Which ones your favorite?
Does anyone have The Queer Arab Glossary?
which song do you all think is like this ?
Bored in class so I drew Lana
My attempt to make a flag of the United Central American Republics