Seen on Alfred Street
Why are more girls not studying STEM majors?
Should I ask her out?
Any girls dating guys outside of university.
Are there any girls dating guys outside of university?
Why are most Asian guys at uni unattractive?
You can do 1st-year courses as electives in your 3rd year, right?
Join r/UOAconfessions subreddit
What the hell is going on
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Why are most Asian guys at university unattractive?
Is it too late to join clubs?
Liking Kpop as a Uoa student.
Is my mum allowed to stay in my hall while I move in?
When does university start in 2025?
When does university start?
How do girls pay for their university studies?
skipping year 13
List of useless majors at university. Please don't study them.
I have a crush on this guy. Does anyone know who this is?
Failing papiers
Is it normal to have a crush on a lecturer?
Failed GenEd course
Is it good or bad that I don't work at all during my uni years?
advice on getting a second/ another job