Spike's recent buffs are actually kind of clever
Each Balance Change with its respective funny note left by Adrian in the patch notes.
Whoever is typing these hilarious statements should get a raise
All the official balance changes for this month!
I wish balance changes came with a brief explanation from the team
With older brawlers like Darryl getting updates to their mechanics, is it a good idea to update the kits of other older brawlers as well?
Did I just play against Frank and Adrian?
I'm Adrian, Gameplay Lead on the Brawl Stars team. AMA!
[New Brawler Concept] Harper
New seasons mods and Frank rework.
My take on balancing the current meta
[Repost because some values were wrong] Pipers damage is bugged and she has been dealing MORE damage than she is supposed to be.
Ash gear concept, by me
Dynajump 2.0 is much better than it used to be
Why i think Hank is a great brawler idea executed wrong and how i would fix him. [Effort post]
Guide to Balancing Brawlers
The rescaling for gadgets and starpowers feel very random
People treat balance changes like fan service
For real, balance change ideas from here is WAY better than official
Careful, he's a FRICKIN HERO
Grey's fake injury star power is compleatly broken
*UPDATED* SpenLC Season 18 Tierlist + viability rating to help you decide which brawlers to max out first and/or ban (applies only for this draft guide and may not work for power league in general or general brawl stars and/or non-power league meta)
What do you think is the most balanced brawler in the game?
Has anyone realized how amazing this meta has become?
All the New gears(credit:lex)