"Your photon-attuned solar weapon has the light trait and sheds magical light."
If and When Mechs are added to Second Edition. What kind of Mechs should they be?
Breakdown of Starfinder 2e on PaizoLive 3-7-25
Starfinder-Alike Content recommendation please?
Shopfinder2e Update
Handling Music
So I took Germany and turned it into a fantasy map... which country should I do next?
W5 help finding character sheet in color project!
High-Noon Farwest like Duel - Prototype
Conceal Spell vs Reactive Strike
Outlaws of Alkenstar Foundry Module - Unavaiable
Summoner Evolution Feat - Retrained
[No Spoilers] Matt's Twitter has been hacked.
Item Location (any system)
v1.3 - Pathfinder 2e Action & Activity Cheatsheet