Debit card fees in Lancaster and I guess Pennsylvania in general are illegal.
Why do people hate vibe coding?
Could it be argued that Hoosier Alley is a distinct tornado hub like classic Tornado Alley & Dixie Alley are? Any unique characteristics about these twisters that separate them from the other tornado alleys?
Finally managed to take down a Medium demolisher without losing a turret!
I find spaceship building the least enjoyable part of Space Age.
Woman takes direct hit from Tornado
Is this a good cargo to start on vulcanus?
Random finds
What's with these satellite images?
Why do I feel like we could put tornado shelters under these overpasses? Check comments!
I need help reaching Aquilo
My Forgeworld is complete, here's some of my favorite builds
After 4 hours of designing and building, I'm happy to present: The O'Neill.
Do I need to restart? ( One dot of oil??)
Emergency button for work
Map viewable dashboard digits (parameterized blueprints are awesome)
Would this be a Derecho?
Logistic Network saved my behind like you wouldn't believe. Now I can Spaghet even harder.
Is there a trick to finding Uranium I feel like I should have found some by now.
Colossus v1.1 - Now with 100GN of thrust and even more storage! Blueprint in the comments.
⚡️ ⚡️🌩️
Post Space Age - Developer AMA
Gleba Ice
I hate biters