Low Elo Yuumi, some tips on Macro and Build for the Cato ?
Banned, can i ask for a refund ?
Who should I attach to early game if my ADC is completely inting?
I'm new to HighFleet and struggling
My first ever ranked game with Mel. Welcome to the new botlane hell.
New player here, Struggling a Bit With Leveling
Someone was asking for proof that Nessa could be consistent.
When people ask me my favorite Pyg build.
Confused about Home World Transfer Service
there are no plans to change lizard untill (at least) january 6th
Legend rank is the absolute fun killer
I tried forcing it a few times and quickly got 2 10-wins in a row
The secret to winning
Unranked runs need to give... Something (Not for me, because I never lose)
5 mails to refund and no reaction
Hotfix coming in that will, among other things, disable Pufferfish and Snowflake.
How much poison is too much poison ?
I'm not having fun anymore in this patch.
The current patch in 1 picture
If I can just live long enough my core will scale my- oops, dead in 6 seconds
Anyone else getting bored of the insta-deal your health bar ammo builds?
Pufferfish Isn't Real, It Can't Hurt You
3 wins.. I think game needs the balance What item i get with the levels or what item i get in market. It can not be full random if it's full random make it high change what i need, i can't find any turtle shells in 11 days. It's luck?
Countryside appreciation post!
Do you reroll bad first day on normal?