/r/PTCGP Trading Post
The show is tiring me because I can't empathize with the protagonists.
Directa e regime amministrativo per ETF
Character stuck in "oh mother" gesture
Convincetemi a NON comprare questa macchina!
Am I (M31) the asshole for ghosting a girl (F29) after nine years of chatting in a distant "relationship"?
Am I (M31) the asshole for ghosting a girl (F29) after nine years of chatting?
Unpopular opinion: the DLC is hard not because of enemies, but because of exploration.
Hiking as a bodybuilder
Bodybuilding and hiking
Should I start a new character?
Casa danneggiata e costi enormi per sistemarla, oltre a danni alle persone. Come farsi risarcire?
I really can't learn to swim and I do not know what to do
Renegade Platinum Nuzlocke without catching pokemon
I can BP 120kgx3. How much should I be able to squat?
AITA for retaining the down payment for the sale of the motorcycle and canceling the sale because the buyer did not show up for the appointment.
I am desperate. My wife wants to spend tens thousands of dollars to remove the plaster in the netire house to make sure to remove the paint smell.
Seeking Engaging Game: Deep Gameplay, Compelling Story, Gamepad Friendly, Fantasy Preferred.
Infinite queque for trad drafts
Visiting Banff National Park in October
Increase the game difficulty