Wolverine sharpens his claws? Can they be worn down?
[X-Men] Wolverine sharpens his claws? Can they be worn down?
[Marvel] Would mutants be more accepted in society if institutions designed to help and nurture them like the Xavier institute, Emma’s school, Jean Grey institute, were more decentralized?
Would mutants be discriminated against if they were rich?
[X-Men] Would mutants be discriminated against if they were rich?
[Star Trek] What would a trial-type episode about the right to live of a Tuvix merger look like?
What would a trial-type episode about the right to live of a Tuvix merger look like?
[Johnny Bravo] Has Johnny Bravo ever had a girlfriend?
[Star Trek] What if Spock's death in Wrath of Khan had been changed?
What if Spock's death in Wrath of Khan had been changed?
[X-Men] Are there any “good” antimutant antagonists?
Are there any “good” antimutant antagonists?
What would Spock be like if he had chosen to follow the human lifestyle instead of the Vulcan one?
Did Kirk meet Hoshi Sato on Tarsus IV?