Patient wants to leave out of the hospital to smoke a cigarette
AITAH for voicing my discomfort at my girlfriend messaging her ex?
AITA for ghosting my boyfriend after proposing?
Called off my engagement and kicked my ex fiancé out of the house for getting an abortion without telling me
Alana has service dog?!?!?
Fuck this guy.
Police Learn they’re Not So Tough When Outnumbered
I’m done with doordash
Anywhere I can watch for free seasons 4,5 or at least complete versions of the tell alls?
Pumpkin Smash!!! Needs Rehab
Pumpkin needs Anger Management
This group is bs people post something then when someone doesn’t explicitly agree with their OPINION they block and delete your comment this has happened on multiple posts if your ego is to fragile to take a difference in opinion don’t post anything!!!
When she not scamming people, you'll find her doing THIS? The trash is REAL people!
To resist arrest in Brazil.
to walk in peace while legally blind.
mother encourages her three children to beat up another girl
Memphis Police Department releases videos showing ex-officers brutally kick, punch and tase Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop. He was hospitalized and died 3 days later.