Why are there insurgents in my province when it doesn’t have low morale
Anti-Religious Songs
St. Anger takes the place of worst album for Metallica. What is Metallica's most underrated album? Most upvoted comment gets added.
What song?
What’s the best album of 2001?
What’s the saddest but powerful song in your opinion?
Slept in my Death shirt and woke up Torn to Pieces
The MOST BRUTAL metal playlist ever 😈
Which is better
Tell me your #1 song on your spotify wrapped
I think we alllll know what this one is
Songs for my brother who took his own life
What are some of the funniest songs you know?
What songs sound like this picture
What song comes to mind when thinking about the planet Earth?
What song comes to mind?
What is the best album opener in your opinion?
What's song is this?
Based in these songs. What other songs would you suggest me?.
What is a song that feels like this?
What song fits this image?
Non-metal acts that metal heads love
Favorite depressing sons?
What song is like this to you