Rare Beauty
Someone come get their grandma from the retirement community
Walker west
So ugly
Do you miss Danielle?
Yayyy I’m so excited
Welcome to the 2025 BottleRock Q&A Thread!
Free People
Loopy case
Steven’s hair
Fall Merch
Let’s see how long before it’s deleted lol
Bit By Dog At Blue Diamond
Lindsay on the toast
Is Ashley foreshadowing a big move-back-to-NYC-because-I-got-engaged-after-saying-marriage-isn’t-for-me-but-go-off moment? Lol
Lincoln and Eli were picked to play soccer in Madrid 🇪🇸
Katie T thoughts on shady request from teeth whitening brand
Tia is pregnant with baby #2!
Why didn’t Sam return?
West hanging out with Austen 😬
What is up with Rayna’s constant need to prove her desirability?
Wtf are these feet
Claudia’s mouth noises.